Chardonney Tcheque | One Cool Cat | Storm Cat | Storm Bird (Northern Dancer - South Ocean) |
Terlingua (Secretariat - Crimson Saint) |
Tacha | Mr. Prospector (Raise a Native - Gold Digger) |
Savannah Dancer (Northern Dancer - Valoris) |
Genevale | Unfuwain | Northern Dancer (Nearctic - Natalma) |
Height of Fashion (Bustino - Highclere) |
Femme de Fer | Iron Duke (Sicambre - Insulaire) |
Made to Win (Dictus - Valinda) |
Reglisse | Verglas | Highest Honor | Kenmare (Kalamoun - Belle of Ireland) |
High River (Riverman - Hairbrush) |
Rahaam | Secreto (Northern Dancer - Betty's Secret) |
Fager's Glory (Mr. Prospector - Street's Glory) |
Regalline | Green Desert | Danzig (Northern Dancer - Pas de Nom) |
Foreign Courier (Sir Ivor - Courtly Dee) |
Rebelline | Robellino (Roberto - Isobelline) |
Fleeting Rainbow (Rainbow Quest - Taplow) |